The Notorious Virtues
The Notorious Virtues introduces a world of glitz and glamour, debauchery and decadence, where a deadly rivalry threatens to tear the Holtzfall family apart. The younger generation must compete in trials to determine who is most virtuous - and therefore most worthy - of inheriting control of the family, their money, their magic and their influence over the country.
Born into privilege, Honora Holtzfall has never wanted for anything until now. Lotte was born with nothing-or so she thought. While Theo was raised to serve a family for whom his loyalty is now being tested. And August knows nothing in this world is going to be handed to him, unlike the heiress he's becoming entangled with.
But even as the Holtzfalls wage their battles of privilege and power, virtue and vice, something bigger and more sinister bubbles beneath the surface. Behind closed doors, a revolution has begun . . .